Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Men in the Media Today

The main representation portrayed in the example of men in the media from the magazine 'Mens Health' is alpha male. This representation is given in many ways, the first is the stance of Ryan Reynolds, he's standing like he's confident and dominant, while also at the same time looking quite relaxed and unbothered. If he looks confident then it gives something for the audience (18 - 30 year old males, in the socioeconomic grouping of C and upwards) someone to look up to or aspire to be. The second way he comes across as an Alpha Male is the Mise En Scene of the magazine, for example his top accentuates his muscles whilst at the same time giving him a masculine look. This could encourage the audience to try and get a body like his, which helps promote the magazine as it uses cover lines "great abs made easy" and "get back in shape" which then leads on to the fact of how it creates enigma codes that you won't understand unless you buy the magazine.