Thursday 2 March 2017

Audience - Vogue (Rihanna)

 First off you can tell that the preferred audience for this magazine would obviously be females aged 16-30, in the socio-economic class of C upwards. The magazine targets its audience by first off including a star that is really big at the moment, women might listen to Rihanna's music, watch her in movies, like her fashion sense/style or just be able to relate to her. I would say that the higher class would read this magazine because its 'Vogue' and it's a magazine that is known to be expensive or include designer things. The visual codes included that indicate its target audience are the things like the clothing she's got on, women might like it and want to know where to get it from, this can also attract men to the magazine because she's being sexualised in the shot appealing to the male gaze. The cover lines would also appeal to the audience for example they have things such as "fashion to flatter every figure" and all the celebs mentioned are well known women.

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